Legislative Acts on ICT - e-Accessibility

Countrysort icon Title Entry into force
Act on the Improvement of Accessibility to Internet 2002
Disability Discrimination Ordinance 1995
Australia Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Austria The Austrian e-Government Act 2004
Austria Federal Disability Equality Act 2006
Belgium Law on Anti-Discrimination 2007
Bhutan Information, Communications and Media Act 2006
Bhutan Bhutan Information, Communications and Media Act 2006
Bolivia Ley 1678/95 - Person with Disability Act 1995
Brazil Lei de Acessibilidade 2004
Bulgaria Law for Protection, Rehabilitation and Social Integration of Disabled 1995
Chile Ley 19.284/1994 1994
Chile Decree 100 - Technical Norm for the Development of the Web Sites of Government Agencies 2006
Colombia Law 361/1997 - Disability Act 1997
Costa Rica Ley 7.600/1996 1996
Ecuador Ley 25/2000 - Ley sobre Discapacidades del Ecuador 2000
El Salvador Technical Norms of Accessibility 2003
European Union Council Resolution: 'e-Accessibility' - Improving the Access of People with Disabilities to the Knowledge Based Society 2003
European Union Commission Recommendation on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation 2006
European Union European Commission Communication on e-Accessibility 2005
European Union Universal Service Directive 2002
France Law n. 2005-102 on Equal Rights and Opportunities, Participation and Citizenship of People with Disabilities 2005
Honduras Decree 129/2007 2007
India The Persons with Disabilities Act 1996
Ireland Disability Act 2005
Israel The Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Law, 5758-1998 1998
Italy Legge 4/2004 - Disposizioni per favorire l'accesso dei soggetti disabili agli strumenti informatici 2004
Lithuania Law on the Social Integration of the Disabled 2004
Norway Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act 2009
Portugal Resolution of the Council of Ministers Concerning the Accessibility of Public Administration Web Sites for Citizens with Special Needs 1999
Romania Law n. 448/2006 with regard to the protection and promotion of handicapped person 2006
South Korea Act on the Improvement of Accessibility to Internet 2002
Spain Law 56/2007 on measures to promote Information Society 2007
Spain Real Decreto 1494/2007 2007
Spain Ley 34/2002 - Servicios de la Sociedad de la Informacion y de Comercio Electronico 2002
Spain Law 51/2003 on Equal Opportunities, Non-Discrimination, and Universal Accessibility for Persons with Disability 2003
Sri Lanka Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 1996
Sweden Swedish National Guidelines for Public Sector Websites 2006
Switzerland Ordonnace sur l'élimination des inégalités frappant les personnes handicapées 2003
United Kingdom Disability Discrimination Act 1995
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol 2008
United Nations Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities 1993
United States Americans with Disabilities Act 1990
United States Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 1998
Vietnam Ordinance on Disabled Persons 1998
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